Annual herb used as salad green and garnish. any of several cruciferous plants of the genus Brassica. 十字花科独行菜属植物,一年生植物,被用作沙拉绿色食品。
Any of several cruciferous plants of the genus brassica. 芸苔属十字花科中的任意一种植物。
Any of various Eurasian plants of the genus Brassica, especially B.nigra and B.juncea, which are cultivated for their pungent seeds. 芥菜欧亚大陆芸苔属中的各种植物的一种,特别是棕芥和芥菜(因其辛辣的种子而被栽培)
Small genus of Old World herbs usually included in genus Brassica. 旧大陆草本植物的一个小属,常归入芥属。
Artificial resynthesis of Brassica napus through hybridization between B.campestris and B.oleracea is an effective approach for increasing the germplasm resources of rapeseed plants and an important way for researches on the origin and evolution the genus Brassica. 人工合成甘蓝型油菜是拓宽油菜遗传育种种质资源的有效途径,也是研究芸薹属物种起源与演化重要的手段之一。
Progress of Study on Molecular Markers and Genome of the Genus Brassica& A Review 芸薹属植物分子标记技术和基因组研究进展&文献综述
Studies on compatibility in intergeneric crosses between Crambe abyssinica and genus Brassica 海甘蓝与芸苔属属间杂交的亲和性研究
Comparative Studies on Seed Coat Decoration Ultrastructure of Several Species of Genus Brassica and Related Genera 芸薹属油菜及其近缘属作物种皮纹饰亚微结构研究
EFFECT OF HORMONES ON OVERCOMING THE INCOMPATIBILITY IN INTERSPECIFIC CROSSES IN GENUS ARACHIS Primary Study on Heterosis of Self incompatibility in Brassica napus 植物激素对克服花生种间杂交不亲和作用的研究
It has been reported that plants belonging to cruciferae genus Brassica are high heavy metal accumulator and could be easily polluted by heavy metals such as Cd and Pb. 十字花科芸薹属植物具有较强的重金属吸收能力,容易受到Cd、Pb等重金属的污染。